Buses are responsible for any loss or injury that takes place during transport and owe a heightened duty of care to passengers and the public …..
A bus is considered a “common carrier,” which is any person, company, or entity that transports goods or people for any person or company. Common carriers such as buses, airlines, and trains are responsible for any possible loss or injury that takes place during transport and owe a heightened duty of care to passengers and the public. If you pay the fare, a common carrier agent cannot refuse to transport you and your admissible baggage to its published destination. If a common carrier can transport you or your goods, it must do so. It cannot discriminate on any basis.
For a common carrier to operate, they must adhere to certain industry specific regulations implemented to protect the public. A common carrier usually offers its services to the public under the licensing or authority provided by a regulatory body, like a local government agency.
From accidentally crashing into another vehicle to striking a pedestrian, bus accidents vary as far as injuries are concerned. A bus passenger may walk away from a crash with minor injuries while a pedestrian may not survive being struck by a passing bus. Because buses have a high center of gravity and tremendous size and weight, bus accidents can result in wrongful death and can leave surviving victims with life altering injuries which may include traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, burn injury, or orthopedic injury.
Anyone injured in an accident involving a bus may be entitled to substantial compensation. This is generally true whether they are a bus passenger, a pedestrian, riding a bicycle or motorcycle, or the driver or passengers of another vehicle hit by a bus.
We Can Help
If you have been injured in a bus accident, Uriarte Law can provide you the help and resources you need. Our experienced accident injury lawyers, experts and professionals strive for justice and fairness in the form of compensation for victims of all types of Personal Injury accidents.
Call Uriarte Law at 785-891-3614
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