Florida is one of about a dozen other states that have what is known as No-Fault Law. The No-Fault law is essentially an agreement between insurance companies and the Florida Legislature. Under the terms of this agreement, insurance companies are required to provide a certain level of coverage for insured clients if they are involved in a car accident, regardless of who is at fault. In exchange for this coverage, victims of an auto accident can only bring a claim against an at-fault party if they have sustained a permanent injury.

At Uriarte Law, we are available to discuss and explain all aspects of your case. Our advice is free, and we are here to ensure that you are properly informed about your rights and your options.

We Can Help
If you have lost a loved one have been injured in a Personal Injury Accident, Uriarte Law can provide you the help and resources you need. Our experienced Personal Injury lawyers, experts and professionals strive for justice and fairness in the form of compensation for victims of all types of Personal Injury accidents.
Call Uriarte Law at 785-891-3614

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